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The Women's ACTS Retreat is for all women who are desiring to deepen their relationship with God.

On this retreat, you will not only encounter the person of Jesus Christ. You will also encounter a community of men who desire to walk with you on your journey to holiness. Our ACTS Retreat is a beautiful reminder that we are not in this life alone. 




April 21 - 24, 2022

Lumen Christi Retreat Center

$254 per participant


What are women saying?






Mary's Story | ACTS Retreat Testimony
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"The goals of an ACTS Women's Retreat are ' strengthen our faith and its application in our daily life, to renew ourselves spiritually and build long lasting friendships.' The retreat I attended in August met these goals 100% and more! My faith was strengthened by deepening my understanding of God's love for me and for each women at the retreat. A bond was created between us as we were all renewed spiritually. To be able to see what God is doing in my life and in the lives of other Catholic women has been such a beautiful gift. We came together from different backgrounds, stages of spirituality, and seasons of life. Through these diversities we were and are able to offer individual experiences and gifts to help each other become the women God created us to be." - SALLY SOBERT

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"ACTS has been a life changing experience for me. It was a retreat like no other and an opportunity to reconnect with Christ. It’s about fellowship and being a part of a group of Christian women where I can share my struggles and know that I’m not alone. Through ACTS, I have grown together with my ACTS sisters to develop a deeper relationship and encounter with Christ. We live in a fast world with work, children, grandchildren, and trying to balance it all. It was so nice to relax, unwind, and focus only on Christ and His will for me. I now have so many sisters in Christ praying for me, and I pray for them as well. It’s a beautiful experience to see Christ working in others, and they help me to see Christ in myself too!" - RHONDA DANOS

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"Throughout my teen and early adult years, I attended several retreats, and each tended to follow the same format. I would leave those retreats feeling a renewed closeness to God, but then real life would kick in. I would find myself stuck and alone. When I was approached about the ACTS Retreat, I honestly expected the same. I could not have been more wrong. Instead of coming home feeling alone, I found myself surrounded by a group of sisters. This retreat changed me. It changed my prayer life, my outlook on community, and the way I approach relationships. I’ve come to see this is how God intends for us to live, supported in a community that loves Him & one another. If you don’t have that kind of support in your life, ACTS is for you." - LAUREN LEONARD


"I prayerfully considered attending the ACTS Retreat. I was not convinced it would be different than past retreat experiences. I was fearful and unsure as we left for the retreat; but I returned with a fire for the Lord that I have never experienced before. This retreat leads you to the foot of the Cross and you realize you are standing there with a community of other women seeking the same closeness with the Lord. Since the retreat, we have continued to uplift each other, pray for each other, share with each other, and meet regularly. ACTS teaches you what community truly means in today’s ever busy and changing world. I encourage each of you to prayerfully consider attending ACTS as I did. ACTS will change your life if you are open to the experience. Surrender, as I did..." - HEATHER AULICH


"On August 15-18, 2019, I attended a Women's ACTS Retreat. If I am honest, I was unsure of what to expect because I have attended other retreats that left me wanting more. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, Jesus's love radiated through each of us and united us in a bond of love and fellowship as sisters in Christ. The weekend was so much more than I prayed it would be. If you are considering attending an ACTS Retreat, my encouragement to you would be to place your doubts and fears aside and take the next step. Jesus is patiently waiting for you! Our next Women's ACTS Retreat is March 19-22, 2020. I am praying for each of you, and I look forward to sharing our faith together. God bless." - WANDA LEBLANC

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